3 Replies to “Girl Solo in Arabia

  1. This is wonderful and could take many joyous hours to review. I only looked for a few moments. I did go right to the photos of Syria and saw, at the beginning, the beautiful courtyard of the Umayyad Mosque in Damascus. It brought back memories which I do not have photos of, only an audio tape. The recording is of a blind man sitting on a small stool in the center of the courtyard singing in a penetrating tenor voice from the Koran. His voice was stunning. Even though the language I did not know, the spirit of it I felt so deeply as to be able to hear it in my head for weeks afterward, like when one hears a great song that they cannot forget for it is so unique in sound.

  2. I should note that I often used my tape recorder on my travels rather than use my camera. I tried to fill my minds eye with everything that I could see to remember visually and then record the sounds of whatever else I would need time to understand later. This of course was especially useful in interviews with the tribes.

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