2 Replies to “Hassan Bey, 1934 asil Saqlawi stallion in the USA”

  1. Thanks again for attributing some of the fine quality that came (and continues)out of the New Hampshire area. I know to many, I have said this before however, it is with great pride that recently the stewards of the Maynesboro Stud barns and much of the history that W.R. Brown began- have just celebrated their 25th Anniversary; The Berlin Coos County Historical Society.
    Additionally, another effort that some may be interested to know that is happening here in NH: The “Winant” Park as well as, their horses have too, been of interest in the Concord area by the local historical society. I believe the horses were approx. 11?
    PS Forgive me in advance for the drifting briefly away from Hussan Bey- my intention was not to offend, merely share.

  2. Kim, what information does the historical society in the Concord, NH area have on the Winant horses? I stopped at St. Paul’s School in Concord in 1987 but the Winant material in the library there didn’t seem to include anything on horses. I was not aware of the local historical society.

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