Stallions at the 1994 Oregon CMK Symposium

As the 2009 Al Khamsa Convention in Oregon approaches (and this time, I plan to be there), here’s a video by Carol Mingst of the 1994 Oregon CMK Symposium, showing asil stallions of Davenport breeeding Mandarin CF (Regency x Lotus), Sportin Life and SA Apogee, among others. A good chunk of the video features Mandarin showing off. Can anyone tell me who the unidentified light grey horse is? He is striking.

4 Replies to “Stallions at the 1994 Oregon CMK Symposium

  1. The grey at 0:31 is Al Mujiz Jauhara (Sportin Life x HB Diandra). The grey at 0:56 is Audobon (Iliad x Audacity).

  2. Marge Smith says that (at 1:07) “The grey [a darker grey] is Alliance ld [a sharp by Audobon x Ice Capade]
    The last one is his son Pal-Ara James Bond, so there is 3 generations.” Audobon (led by Marge), then Alliance LD, then Pal-Ara James Bond….

    A “Sharp” is a breeding program identified by the late Carol Lyons, and it is based on desert lines that do not include the Blunt imports to England. This is not a discriminatory definition, but just a way of preserving a genetic difference, since the Blunt imports have found their way into bloodlines all over the world. All Davenports are “Sharp,” but not all “Sharps” are all Davenport, and Alliance and James Bond both have lines to some old American and old Egyptian lines, also.

    The chestnut with the white at 0:50 is Leafs Barkentine, who really shows his Tripoli ancestry.

  3. Were I to admit just how many times I have watched this tape since I discovered it last winter I’m sure I would be put away for a long time with a sign around my neck reading: Hopelessly Incurable. The other eye candy tape (which you can access at the bottom of this one) is the Craver Farms 1999.

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