7 Replies to “Wadhah and Belle yesterday”

  1. Wonderful news! Hope this venture produces fruit! Thank Heaven is also in Pennsylvania, at Monica Respet’s place. Wouldn’t it be great if she could be bred back to a Bahraini horse? Something I always wanted to try, if there had been another in the country. I just received news this morning that her sire Solomon died.

  2. Sad news to hear of Solomon’s passing, Cathy Fye. I do agree that the prospect of Wadhah and Belle being bred to the Bahraini stallion Shuwaiman Al Rais is very exciting.

  3. Quel charisme …
    Belle concordance entre les verticales de la maison à l’arriere-plan et les proportions de la jument au premier plan. Une piste pour nos architectes contemporains ?

  4. How sweet and wonderful these mares appear-what a great blessing to have such fine mares as these..so good for children to be envolved with the mares.

  5. It is great news that you have these ladies near your family. Good for everyone. It is a sad day that Solomon is gone. How precious are his daughters Thank Heaven and Ubayyat al Bahrain! How much we owe Cathie Fye and Jenny Krieg for the efforts they went through to get those two mares on the ground!

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