*Aziza may also have an asil tail female left!
*Aziza (Gamil Manial x Negma) was *Roda’s half sister. *Roda was mentioned in a recent post. In 1996, RJ Cadranell wrote an article on the two sisters in Arabian Visions, which you read here. Like *Roda, *Aziza was imported to the USA by W.R. Brown in 1932. All this I knew from before.

Having read F. Klynstra’s book “Nobility of the Desert”, which has lovely pictures of the mare Faziza (Fa-Turf x Azyya by Kenur x Aziza), who went to G. Olms in Germany, and her son Tufail (by Kaisoon, photo of Tufail below), I also knew that Aziza had left some asil descendents in Europe, rich in the blood of desert horses from Saudi Arabia imported to the USA (*Turfa, *Sunshine, *Nufoud, *Tairah).

What I didn’t know is that the line might have persisted in the USA. The mare Sharziyya, a 1963 full sister to Faziza, has left a small number of descendants in this country. The youngest mare from this line is Shar Fazima (Hafid Faserr x Shar Azima) a 1986 mare bred by the Krausnicks’ of Shar Char Farms. She looks like the last (in the tail female, that is)asil from that line in the USA now and if alive, she would be 23 years old. That line can still be saved.
Edouard, I would love to get my hands on a detailed account of the Krausnick’s breeding program. I am in awe over the many wonderful horses produced at Shar-Char. The mare Princeton Gamila, who is the dam of my new mare, was a daughter of Shar Gemla, a black beauty who was owned by Wayne Newton. Sirhabba came from the Krausnick’s. She was a lovely mare, who produced some awesome sons and daughters.
Ralph, I think I have a xeroxed copy of an article about their horses, which i will need to look for and get to you.
There are articles available in back issues of the Khamsat, Ralph. You might check with the Business Office at info@alkhamsa.org