On the beauty of straight profiles

It looks like some of you are enjoying the occasional digression from pedigree and geneology stuff. Yesterday, Anita Westfall sent me two nice pictures of some of her horses: This picture is of her very pretty Miss Attitude (by Lorenzo CF x Dawn’s Attitude SF, also by Lorenzo CF), a Kuhaylat al-Hayf of the line imported to the USA by Homer Davenport. It shows both the ‘human eye’ with the white, and the long eyelashes! The other photo –  also from Anita, who by the way takes really, really nice pictures, including that legendaary picture of Prince Hal – shows Miss Attitude (front) together with Anita’s other Kuhaylat al-Hauf mare, Bit O’Ruth (Lorenzo CF x LD Genisis LD byPlantagenet, back). The one in the back has a slightly dished profile, while the one in the front has a straight profile, but will all the features of a classic arabian head:  small muzzle; large, open nostrils, delicately shaped lower lip, dry face with the veins showing; clean, arched throat; deep, well-drawn, cicular jowl, and above all, large, feminine eyes. A delight of a mare.