[Updated on September 12, 2019] From the Nasiri book (1333 CE), citing al-Waqidi (d. 823 CE) Al Waqidi recited that the first to ride horses after Adam was Ishmael son of Abraham peace be upon them; and after Adam, they had become wild, untamed, until they were subjected to Ishmael who rode them, and he is [missing words here] the Arab [horses]. From Jarr al-Dhayl fi ‘ilm al-Khayl, by Jalal al-Din al-Suyuti (d. 1505 CE) Al Waqidi said, after Muslim ibn Jundub [al-Hudhali, d. 724 CE]: the first to ride horses was Ishmael son of Abraham, peace be upon them; they were wild, untamed, until they were subjected to him. Al-Zubayr ibn Bakkar [al-Qurashi, d. 870 CE] said, in the “Lineages”, after Ibn ‘Abbas: horses were wild and could not be ridden, so the first who rode them was Ishmael, so for this they were named al-‘Iraab. Al-‘Iraab could be translated as “Arab horses”.
From the Nasiri book: Al Kalbi recited that God Most High brought a hundred horses out of the sea for our Lord Solomon, and they had wings, and that they were called “goodness”. And God knows best.