The Reestablishment of the Arabian Breed!

The Arabic culture and identity had always been best manifested in two glorious forms; the poetic Arabic language, and the noble Arabian horse! The image of a Faress (horseman) and Sha’er (poet) was the ultimate form of nobility in the Arabic perception! I consider the two the facets and flip side of the coin of the pride of the Arab people! Nothing is more related to the identity and characteristics of the Arabic personality than these two. Even the message of Islam, which was primarily carried by the Arabs along with their vast prosperous empire from Spain to China do not relate as such to the Arabic identity. The Islamic civilization had many benefactors and contributors from different ethnic backgrounds and it declared itself from the very beginning as a universal message. This is exactly what caused the Arab control over the empire to fade out and finally collapse in a few centuries in favor of the Kurds, Turks and Persians. Both, the language and the horse, remained gold-pure in the daily practice of the Arab people protected by strong cultural, religious and ecological parameters. They were so when the Arabs were virtually isolated in their peninsula, and they remained…