The Desert Acquisition Terms of the Arabian Horse

I always hoped I was born just one century earlier! My good fortune of descending from a Bedouin tribe of rich heritage in breeding Arabians was not complete to live all these traditions while they were still practiced in the daily life! I look at the long history of the Bedouin traditions and I wonder in sorrow: how for the sake of God I could escape the thousands-years long timeline of the Bedouin life only to come to life in the very last century where everything became history! Nevertheless, without any introduction or material reason, a child raised in the city was strongly inclined to the two main facets of the Arabic identity and pride (you may refer to my previous post here); the language, and the horse! Nothing can make my soul tremble like a butterfly more than hearing a piece of good Arabic poetry and being on the back of a true Arabian! I was always fascinated by the pre-Islamic Arabic poetry. Even a good piece of Arabic prose is still poetic enough to my ears. The Bedouin dialect inherited many of the musical characteristics of the classic Arabic language. Although it is barely understood by any non-Bedouin…