Bedouin accounts not in the available version of th Abbas Pasha Manuscript

The Abbas Pasha Manuscript is, at its core, a compilation of Bedouin accounts of the origins and ancestry of Arabian horses purchased by Abbas Pasha. Saudi historian Hamad al-Jassir, in his Usul al-Khayl al-Arabiyyah al-Haditha, listed the accounts featured in the version of the Abbas Pasha Manuscript he consulted. I had already pointed to discrepancies between the accounts in this version and the accounts in the version published by the King Abd al-Aziz Public Library (KAPL) in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. The KAPL version is a facsimile of Gulsun Sharif’s original manuscript. I compared both lists, and there are more discrepancies that I thought. Here is, chapter by chapter and section by section, a list of the accounts that are not in the KAPL version, but which al-Jassir says are in the version he consulted: 1/ In the Dahman chapter: On Dahmat Shahwan The account of Muhammad Ibn Khalifah, Ra’i of Bahrain The account of Faysal ibn Turki, Imam of Najd (al-Jassir mentions two accounts by Faysal Ibn Turki, of which the second one is in the KAPL version The account of Sayyid Sultan Ibn Sharaf the ruler of Turabah in the land of the Buqum On Dahmat Najib: The account…