The Sba’ah ‘Anazah had a first-class marbat of ‘Ubayyan Sharrak known as Ubayyan al-‘Awbali. The ‘Awbaliyyat were the Ubayyan Sharrak mares of al-‘Awaabilah clan of the Mihlif of the Mawayiqah of the Sba’ah. The Nawwaq clan owners of Kuhaylan Nawwaq are from the Qasim (Gasim) section of the Rasaalin of the Sba’ah. The Ma’naqi Sbayli take their name after Ibn Sbayyil of the Ajlan of the Rasaalin of the Sba’ah. The Ajlan are headed by Ibn Mijlad. Zudghum, owner of the most famous Ma’naqi Sbayli marbat of the XXth century was Zudghum Ibn Mijlad (TBC). Amir al-Dandal told me that the Ma’naqi Sbayli (Najrissi) marbat of the Aqayadat was obtained from the Rasaalin. The hujjah of the mare Aseelah (dam of Dinar, by al-Aawar) states that she was Ma’naqiyat Zudghum.