On Kuhaylan Tamiri as a strain to breed from

The strain of Kuhaylan Tamiri was one of the first strains the Sba’ah Bedouins chose to breed from. From Prince Mohammed Ali’s lists, based on notes taken by the agents of Abbas Pasha: “Says Murshid al-Nawwaq [of the Sba’ah]: The horses which were in our possession in Najd sometime ago have no parallel anywhere. When asked which ones were allowed to mate, he replied that the ones they allowed to mate were only three: first the Saqlawi, second Kuhaylan Tamiri and third Shuwayman Sabbah.“ Similarly, but in the APM itself: Dabbi ibn Shutaywi [of the Sba’ah, specifically their Gmassah section] was asked what stallions of the stud were used on their mares at the time al Gomussa were at Nejd. He replied, “As long as I can remember we mated al Saqlawiyat and other stallions that are well known to this day. But our white haired men told us when I was a child, that before al Saqlawiyat, al Gomussa were using a Kuhaylan al Tamiri as a stallion. And also a Kuhaylan al ‘Ajuz that belonged to al Gomussa and was cut off.

On Kuhaylan ‘Abhul and Kuhaylan Mu’abhil in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript

The twin strains of Kuhaylan ‘Abhul and Kuhaylan Mu’abhil belong the Ruwalah and are named after men from this tribe. These strains are themselves branches of the better known Kuhaylan Tamiri. On the first, page 595: Orar al Honaydi al Sha’lani of the Ruwalah, upon being asked about the sire of a certain mare: “O Ali, we do not remember that time, but they mated them to Saqlawi Jedran and Kuhaylan Tamiri of the horses of Ibn Abhul“ On the second, page 522: Faysal al-Sha’laan, leader of the Ruwalah, upon being asked about it: “[…] and as for al Moabheliyah [alt. spelling Mu’abhiliyyah, masc Mu’abhil], she is Kuhayla Tamiriya, and her owner is Tamir of al Daghman and she is Kuhayla om Maarif.”