The APM as history

Al-Rudaymah (incorrectly spelled Al Radeemah) is one of the main war episodes (manakh) mentioned in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript (APM). The APM documents many horses that changed hands during this set of battles, which lasted over three months. The Najdi chronicler ‘Uthman Ibn Abdallah Ibn Bishr dates the beginning of the “battle” of al-Rudaymah to the month of Rajab 1238 of the Hijri calendar, equivalent to March-April 1823. This is about 30 years before the completion of the APM. Here’s Ibn Bishr: In this year, in Rajab, [was] the famous battle of al-Rudaymah [after] a well-known place in al-‘Armah, between Faysal al-Dawish and his followers from Mutayr and the ‘Ajman and other Bedouins Arabs, and Majid ibn ‘Uray’ir and his followers from Bani Khalid and others including ‘Anazah and Subay’. A protracted battle and combat involving horsemen and men on foot took place […]. Combat was so intense that it would have turn the hair on a child’s head turn grey. Bani Khalid and their followers lost. Much treasure, jewelry, fancy cloth and provisions was gained [by the winners]. Many were killed from both sides. From ‘Anazah, Mughayleeth ibn Hazzal was killed. From Mutayr, Habab ibn Qu’aysan, the head of…