Five days old Zalfa dies from a broken hock

Zalfa had to be put down yesterday, at the veterinary hospital. In many ways, she was just too good to be true.

I just hate breeding when this happens. I just hate it. You buy a rare old mare in her twenties sight unseen from far, far away, you do export papers, you ask friends for help with shippers and vet papers, you have her hauled thousands of miles, you ask other friends to let you use their stallion a first time, she does not take the first year, you have her hauled to another friend, bred again, you give her to that friend, she offers you a future filly back, you wait, you hope, you wait again, eleven months, she is confirmed in foal, you’re elated when she delivers that big beautiful filly, you pick a name, you make plans to visit, then in a matter of seconds it all collapses, the dam, half blind, steps on the filly, displaces a hock, the filly can no longer stand, can’t nurse, your friend rushes to the vet hospital with her friend, you wait, you hope, then you get the bad news, you’re left with no other option, and you have to take such a hard decision. So much effort, so much energy, so many resources from so many people, gone down the drain…

13 Replies to “Five days old Zalfa dies from a broken hock”

  1. So many tears shed these past couple of weeks for two lost Davenport foals. Both from unavoidable yet rare occurrences. Hugs from Massachusetts.

  2. Oh, Jeannie, I hadn’t heard about the second baby lost. What a tragedy for the community, and for the people who worked do hard to bring the baby to the world.

  3. Oh no waht a terrible outcome…being preservation is frought with difficulty and failures..but the God Lord willing and Blessings will come as well-she was such bittersweet beauty..i am very sorry for your loss

  4. My deepest sympathies for your loss of the lovely filly and this particular dream. It is why breeding takes a special kind of courage and fortitude. Life is so fragile.

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