Grey Saqlawi Jadran of Farhan al-Nayif, Tai
A grey desert-bred asil stallion.
Strain: Saqlawi Jadran, from the marbat of ‘Abd al-Hamid (a.k.a. Hamid) al-Talal al-‘Assaf of the leading family of the Tai tribe, who got the strain from Ibn ‘Amud of Shammar (according to Hamid himself). From the strain that came to Ibn ‘Amud from al-Frijah of al-Ruwalah.
Sire: Saqlawi Jadran of Hamid al-Talal of Tai, from the marbat of ibn ‘Amud of Shammar.
Dam: a Saqlawiyah Jadraniyah of Hamid al-Talal of Tai, from the marbat of ibn ‘Amud of Shammar.
This grey horse was standing at stud with the Shaykh of Tai Farhan al-Nayif al-‘Assaf. His nephew Muhammad al-‘Abd al-Razzaq al-Nayif, the current Shaykh of Tai, borrowed him for a while.
It is unclear whether he was bred by the Nayif clan of the al-‘Assaf ruling family of Tai or by their cousins the Talal clan. It does not really matter. Hamid al-Talal said that this horse was a Saqlawi Jadran of the marbat of ibn ‘Amud from his horses. According to Hamid al-Talal, his Saqlawis came directly from Hasan Ibn ‘Amud of Shammar in 1928 (verify the date). According to Mahruth ibn Haddal, the ruling Shaykh of the ‘Amarat and paramount Shaykh of the ‘Anazah, the Saqlawiyat of Hasan al-‘Amud were taken in war by the Shammar from the Frijah clan of the Ruwalah (reference in Abbas al-‘Azzawi book on the tribes of Iraq).
This grey horse was the sire of the bay Saqlawi Jadran of Farhan al-Nayif, out of a grey Saqlawiyah of Hamid al-Talal. Perhaps this was the grey mare al-Bayrutiyah that races in Beirut. The bay horse was breeding mares in 1973.
My original notes in Arabic below.