A translation of the Hujjah of Kuhailan Afas from QDL
Kate McLachlan and I were recently exchanging about the treasure trove of Arabian horse related documents stored at the Qatar Digital Library. She has located, among other findings, a translation of the hujjah of the Bahrain import to Poland Kuhailan Afas, in the hand of Carl Raswan, as well as a translation of his full pedigree. Kuhailan Afas was a major stallion in twentieth century Arabian horse breeding.
Click to read they are easily legible. There is also a typewritten Arabic hujjah, which Kate also found, and an extended typewritten pedigree in Arabic, both obviously based on a handwritten Arabic hujjah. These Arabic typewritten versions of the hujjah and pedigree are a bit odd, because they give the horse the strain of its sire (Kuhailan Wathnan) in addition to other glaring inconsistencies. Probably typos.

“I declare I, o ‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Abd al-Razzaq al-Sani’, the servant of Shaykh Hamad ibn ‘Isa Aal Khalifa, that I sold the horse known as Kuhaylan al-Wathnan to His Excellency the Mister Bogdan Zietarski and I produced this [piece of] paper for him, about the lineage of the horse to clarify its origin; he is of a young age; born on the 25th of Sha’ban the year 1348; his description is: red color; white stockings on the right front and hing legs; the sire of the aforementioned horse is Kuhaylan al-Wathnan and his dam is Kuhaylat ‘Afiss; and all are from the horse of Shaykh Hamad; and both [strain] names [can] apply to him; Kuhaylan Wathnan because of the name of his dam and the name of his father; and he is of the authentic horses [asil]; he is native of Bahrain, and to clarify his lineage we have produced this [piece of] paper — Produced on 13 Sha’ban 1349; signature of
‘Abd al-‘Aziz al-Abd al-Razzaq al-Sani’

I will not retranslate the pedigree, which is accurate, but only note that I don’t think Kuhaylan al-Khursan is a correct rendering of the original handwritten Arabic hujjjah, but rather it’s more information on the marbat of the Wathnah mare, as in Kuhaylat Wathnat al-Khursan. It may however, be a reference to Kuhaylan al-Kharass, but it’s an odd way of spelling that strain for sure. I don’t know, and I don’t think it matters a lot.
I am prepared to swear to it (and be made an idiot if I am wrong), but that is Carl Raswan’s handwriting.
Jeanne, it is Raswan’s handwriting. The archive contains a few papers from his trip round the Middle East with Bogdan Zientarski for Roman Sanguszko. It also has an extended pedigree for Kuhailan Afas.
It would help if I paid a little closer attention to the whole article, wouldn’t it?