Aly Pacha Cherif as head of the legislative body in 1891
I happened upon this Gazetteer of Egypt in the French language from the year 1891 — the “Annuaire egyptien administratif et commercial” on the wonderful website of the French national library. Under the “Conseil Legislatif”, the legislative council, it has “S.E. Aly Pacha Cherif” as the President. See below.
Page 83 of the document has an address for the legilative council:
“Aly Pacha Cherif, president du Conseil Legislatif, boulevard Abdul-Aziz”
Leon Carton de Wiart, the lawyer, and Lady Anne Blunt’s friend, and Emmanuel Casdagli, a merchant (whose family bought the Sheykh Obeyd Stud of Lady Anne), also figure in the same directory, under letter C.