Moira’s filly from the *Nufoud line
It’s foaling and breeding season and a new crop of foals in on the ground. Belle, who went to Moira Walker in October 2022, had a lovely filly this year by Anecdote CF (aka Pulcher Ibn Reshan). Moira named her Landrace Bellara, in keeping with the B names for this family. The filly, who will be grey, is double Iliad and double Plantagenet, and is the sixth Al Khamsa female from that strain, after her dam, her sister Bassma Al Arab (b. 2021), her other sister Barakah Al Arab (b. 2016), Barakah’s daughter Badia Al Arab (b. 2024), and Ninah Nufoud (b. 2013), a relative at Monica Respet’s.

She is all leg! It is such good news for the Nufoud line – Belle has produced very well.
Thank you for posting about her — she’s a peach. Belle has done really well for herself with producing a dynasty of mares to branch from her, not unlike Rubic did. It’s really a shame that the only other LD Rubic branch still around is the AB Dafiinah daughter, Niinah Nufoud. There should be more, it feels like.
Agreed, but we can’t save them all, can we
No, we cannot. We can only do our little part. That’s why it’s a preservation community — a network of people doing their little parts in the service of the larger whole.
Amen to that
What a lovely little lady! Belle has proven herself to be a grande dame in the same vein as her granddam (pun intended).
Well said and very witty!