Another photo of the Mukhallad 2001 stallion Djelid in France
As mentioned in an earlier post last year, a small number of horses still trace to the very old Mukhallad strain including this 2001 chestnut stallion whose extraordinary pedigree is heavily line-bred to asil Algerian,Tunisian and old French lines of the highest caliber. Here is a nice shot of him which I had not seen before. His owner is standing at stud in the south west of France.
The photo shows a very correct stallion of good “old” Arab type, reminiscent of several old Algerian stallions from Tiaret (e.g., the photo of Scorpion by Baleck in the small Mauvy book), of some Davenport stallions (e.g., Deluvian CF, Regatta CF) and Syrian desert bred stallions (the sons of Mahrous in particular), with a short back, a high and well defined dry wither, a large eye, deep jaws, short prickled ears, a small level and round croup and a thick tail set high. This is my kind of stallion.
Below is a run-down of the male ancestors of Djelid in the maternal line (sire, sire of dam, sire of grand-dam, etc) so you could appreciate where he is coming from.
Djelid is a son of the wonderful 1975 asil Jilfan Dhawi stallion Jahir (Iricho x Ciada, who was by Ghalbane x Malika, by Masbout x Themis by Bango x Abaka by Ghazi x Abbesse by Venture x Olympe), photo below courtesy of Adrien Deblaise.

The sire of Jahir’s dam is the beautiful 1975 Doum (Moulouki x Shawania) who was one of the last products of Robert Mauvy’s breeding program. I saw Doum at Pierre-Henri Beillard’s farm in France in 1994, when I took the photo below with his owner holding him.

The sire of Djelid’s grand dam is Shawani (Saadi x Zarifa by Matuvu), also bred by Robert Mauvy. I don’t have a photo of him at this time. Going one generation further, the sire of Djelid’s great grand dam is the superb Moulouki (Amri x Izarra by David), another product of the Mauvy breeding and otherwise the sire of Doum, above. Moulouki is pictured below with a younger Pierre Henri Beillard.

One generation upstream in the tail female line of Djelid is the stallion Saadi (Ourour x Oureah by Ghalbane) who was heavily used by Mauvy. He is also the sire of Amri and Shawani in Djelid’s pedigree. His photo is below.

Finally, one generation further in the maternal lines is the Tunisian racing stallion Madani (Souci x Sissana by Mossoul), pictured below. Madani was heavily used in the breeding program of Admiral Cordonnier in Tunisia which was in many ways the twin of Mauvy’s program in France. Madani was the sire of Doum’s tail female ancestor Hammada, who was a gift from Cordonnier to Mauvy.

Wonderful stallion from outstanding ancestors!