Azzya with Keith Krausnick
A reader had asked about a photo of Azyya (Kenur x *Aziza by Gamil Manial), the dam of Faziza by Fa-Turf in Germany (the line in the US is extinct). Here is a photo, from the Khamsat archives, courtesy of Jeanne Craver.
A blog on desert arabian horses, past, present and future
A reader had asked about a photo of Azyya (Kenur x *Aziza by Gamil Manial), the dam of Faziza by Fa-Turf in Germany (the line in the US is extinct). Here is a photo, from the Khamsat archives, courtesy of Jeanne Craver.
Azyya was bred by J.M. Dickinson but owned for her entire producing career by the Lodwicks; apparently she was leased to the Krausnicks for the breedings to Fa-Turf? The Lodwicks bred her exclusively to the *Raffles line (I’m including Phantom, the inbred *Rifala son, as part of the *Raffles line, broadly speaking). Apparently Albert Guilbault acquired Azyya about the time she produced her last registered foal, 1966 or 1967? But there are no further registered foals from her.
You must be correct, RJ.
Thank you