Bahrain King gifts Poland Kuhaylan Aafas Stallion —
This news from the Bahrain News Agency from August 2014 was just displayed on Philippe Paraskevas’ “Egyptian Alternative” Facebook page. I find it fascinating that more than 80 years after the importation of the first Kuhaylan Afas to Poland by Bogdan Zientarski, a stallion from same bloodline joins the Polish State Studs. Below a photo of this gorgeous stallion.
Nice photos and the name of the stallion here:
Kuhailan Afas Maidaan is his name
What a handsome boy!
Curious if & how the Poles wil use him
I for one plan to use him
Mr Aldahdah,
Have you managed to use him?
How would one go about to use him?
No Chris, I haven’t. You need to contact the Polish state studs, and they have a rather prohibitive breeding fee for him.
Une question que je me pose que vous êtes peut-être en mesure de me répondre
Les polonais utilisent ils afas maidaan comme reproducteur pour créer une nouvelle lignée de sang dans leur programme d élevage et si oui ou en sont t ils
Merci pour l info
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