Bint Sierra SS, Saqlawiyah Jadraniyah of Babson and Doyle lines
Bev Davison recently posted these two photos of Bint Sierra SS (Parnell x Sierra Summersong), one of her previous mares. I had never seen photos of her before. She is of Babson and Doyle lines. She is the paternal granddam of Subanet Jabbar SDA, the sire of my Kinza. You can see the resemblance between him in the third photo and his granddam in the second. All photos from Bev Davison
That’s how I like them, coat color included.

She was a beautiful, substantial mare. Very reminiscent of your Jadiba. That Doyle blood is very potent and especially nice with a touch of other lines mixed in.
I agree. That was top notch quality Crabbet blood that got very concentrated in the past 80 years. It’s creating amazing hybrid vigor when outcrossed, and when bred with closer lines it is also producing good results, smoothing its rougher edges.
I wish Bev had more from her