CSA Baroness Lady, last asil Ma’naqiyah mare of the *Ferida died at 24
The last Al Khamsa mare of the Ferida lineage, a 1999 Ma’naqiyah Sbayliyah, was put down last month. I had given CSA Baroness Lady to Sue Moss in 2023 as a pet companion to one of her horses. She leaves behind a 2015 bay gelding, Haykal Al Arab (registered name Lucero De Santana, why? long story), who now belongs to Sue Moss. I also have four frozen embryos from her, at least one of which I hope is a female so that the line can keep going. Below, Lady and little Haykal.
Fair winds, Lady. You had a long life.
She was a lovely lady. May one (more!) of those embryos be in her image.
Aww, she was a sweetie. Her son Haykal is a super nice horse!
Goodbye, Lady. May your and your line’s legacy carry on.