Dahhmany Bagdady in France

The wonderful Dahhmany Bagdady, one of the last representatives of the old, prepotent Babolna/Weil type of royal Arabian horse. He is 23 years old this year. The famed and storied tail male to Siglavy Bagdady exists through him and his few offspring, a handful of stallions scattered across Europe. I am so proud that he is in my care.
He is beautiful, like a gem. He makes me think of Lady Anne’s comments on the beauty of the Potocki horses at Antoniny. Fascinated by the way the Davenport and the old Bábolna breeding have blended with the Egyptian blood on the distaff side of his pedigree to produce the elegance of his lines.
I know this is a common refrain, but it’s honestly a really high compliment from me when I say I can imagine what the horse feels like under saddle, gathered for dressage. Elderly as he is, he still looks very powerful.
Also can he ship semen or freeze- the vets have been telling me that fresh cooled has 2 and half to three times the conception rate of frozen
Bruce Peek
He has all the characteristics of a true riding/carriage horse, which they always aimed for in Hungary (Babolna) and Germany (Weil/Marbach). I like him very much, thanks for saving all these gems.
Thank you for pointing this out. Arnault and I were wondering whether that different conformation was coming from. I like horses like that, and I respect the Central European breeding and horsemanship traditions very much.