Well, I can’t stand it any longer. This is Javera Chelsea, a full sister to Javera Qiana, Javera Thadrian and GH Janet. A noble family of Davenport Kuhaylans indeed. Chelsea in this photo reminds me a lot of Iras, who was dam of Plantagenet, and so the link that you see, Ambar. Iras was dam of Mariner, who sired this quartet.
I see minimally-marked chestnuts coming through Plantagenet now and again, but I don’t know that mare. Sure would like to. 🙂
She is of Davenport bloodlines indeed, but no Plantagenet..
Well, I can’t stand it any longer. This is Javera Chelsea, a full sister to Javera Qiana, Javera Thadrian and GH Janet. A noble family of Davenport Kuhaylans indeed. Chelsea in this photo reminds me a lot of Iras, who was dam of Plantagenet, and so the link that you see, Ambar. Iras was dam of Mariner, who sired this quartet.