Fad’aan Bedouin warrior
This is perhaps one of the most circulated photos of Bedouins warriors. Maybe it has to do with the rider’s grin. Or the horse. It features Sulayman son of Sfug son of Dham al-Qu’ayshish, a leader of the Fada’aan. I am trying to find the original source of the photo (who took it?) and a higher resolution version.
The type of horse he is riding has disappeared in the West. The long oval shaped nostrils extending back toward the face, the triangular muzzle, the bones above the eyes. This type resurfaces in some Davenports from time to time, e.g., Aurene CF, FindeSiecle CF.
British Foreign Office correspondence recorded that Sulyman’s grandfather Dham led 20,000 ‘Anazah Bedouins on two campaigns against the Shammar, one in 1844 and another in 1848, across the Euphrates and all the way to the outskirts of Mossul.

Below, another photo of the same Sulayman. Source Oppenheim?

See this photo of the Blunt import Sherifa for similarly shaped nostrils.

To me, that mare is the spitting image of *Wadduda.
yes, I was thinking the same.
Me, three!
The photo is from Oppenheim
thank you, i don’t have Oppenheim’s book.
It’s funny that some breeders of beauty horses are telling that lady Alan blunt drew sharifa showing her with dished face
I was looking at photos of the Blunt imports and none of them have a nose like that. It’s possible Sherifa and Hadban had noses like the photo above but no side profiles of either horse.
Sherifa did. It shows in the LAB drawing of her.