Gorgeous Florishes CF
Just love this photo of Flourishes CF (Lydian x Fragrance CF by Regency CF) on Randal Abler’s Facebook page. That Anthesis dynasty (Fragrance, Chancery, Firebolt, Lexington) is quite something within the Davenport lines.

A blog on desert arabian horses, past, present and future
Just love this photo of Flourishes CF (Lydian x Fragrance CF by Regency CF) on Randal Abler’s Facebook page. That Anthesis dynasty (Fragrance, Chancery, Firebolt, Lexington) is quite something within the Davenport lines.
One truly lovely horse!
He is stunning those ears and eyes and such a lovely muzzle. The Cravers should be very very proud of this one.
The line is that of Bint Alamein, even before Anthesis. That whole line is so elegant!
If you like the picture you should see the horse!
Yes, the Bint Alamein line.
Stunning horse and important too. He is Lydian’s youngest and only living son of this kind of breeding. I am a fan of all 4 of his grandparents.
Cressida (Sir x Antan) was the first Straight Davenport mare I ever saw. It was the Fall of 1983, so she must have been 21 years old at the time. I had no idea what I was looking at except that she possessed a quality of “regalness” that belied her aged figure (8 foals by that time)and placid disposition. I knew I was in the presence of something very special…