Horses of Mustafa al-Jabri: 15 by Edouard AldahdahPosted onApril 2, 2014March 30, 2014 Rishah Bint al Balad
This is Bint Al Balad, a Rishah Shar’abiyah from the marbat of Ayed al-Fnaish of the Shammar, tracing back to the prestigious marbat of Hawwas al-Hathmi of the Shammar (in Iraq). Sire Al-Aawar. Reply
This is Bint Al Balad, a Rishah Shar’abiyah from the marbat of Ayed al-Fnaish of the Shammar, tracing back to the prestigious marbat of Hawwas al-Hathmi of the Shammar (in Iraq). Sire Al-Aawar.