Ibn Yashmak
The Arabian Horse Archives, a project which this blog supports, has an online digitized copy of Cecil Covey’s 1982 booklet “Crabbet Arabians”. It features a photo of Ibn Yashmak I had not seen before. Now I see why the Blunts imported him from Egypt to use him on their Crabbet mares.

Lady Anne Lytton described Ibn Yashmak as a “horse who was all fire and with tremendous presence.”
The Blunts imported Ibn Yashmak to England in 1904. Wilfrid Blunt chose Ibn Yashmak for the Newbuildings Half at the time of the 1906 stud partition, but Ibn Yashmak was not used for breeding until 1908 (the resulting 1909 colt out of Ajramieh was sold unnamed from Newbuildings in 1911).
In the meantime, Lady Anne Blunt had in December 1907 spoken with Moharrem Pasha, who identified Ibn Yashmak’s 2nd dam Yemama as a Jellabieh from Ali Pasha Sherif. This prompted Lady Anne to comment in her journal, “So after all Yemama was from Ali Pasha Sherif! and her stock are Mazubtin — That is strange and interesting, what a dramatic surprise!”
That should read Mazbutin, not Mazubtin.