In my opinion, the best Egyptian mare of the 1970s
This is Kalthoom (Farazdac x Nahed by Sid Abouhom x Zaafarana by Balance), tail female to Ghazieh through Radia, a mare born in 1974 at the EAO. Talk about a racing pedigree, and an athletic conformation that reflects it. Not a flattering photo, as she sticks her tongue out, but what a mare! I specifically love the black skin from the eyes all the way down to the muzzle. It is a mark of asalah/authenticity, for the Bedouins at least.
Belle jument athlétique .
I have to agree that that is a lovely mare! We saw *Farazdac in his prime, and he was a lovely, lovely stallion. And well built.
Look at the list of this offspring of one of her descendants, looks like serious case of embryo transfer
Patrick: Holy cow- thirty colts? How does embryo transfer work to enable a mare to have 30- colts?
best wishes
Bruce Peek
I love this mare Kalthoom and her progeny by Emad were, in my opinion, very very good. A wonderful but rare line and in my opinion one of the best Saklawi-strains. Thanks for this photo !