Krayaan Kuhraman M663, bay stallion, born 2010, by Jellaby Maroof M309 out of Kray Al Khurra M365 and Krayyan Nashwaan M663, grey stallion, born 2012, by Rabdaan Naif M154 out of Kray Amana M214
2 Replies to “Krayaan Kuhraman and Krayaan Nashwaan at Prince Mohammed Stud, Bahrain”
So nice to see the Kray strain rise from the ashes in Bahrain after it was briefly lost. One woman in Heresfordshire, UK, saved the strain.
So nice to see the Kray strain rise from the ashes in Bahrain after it was briefly lost. One woman in Heresfordshire, UK, saved the strain.
Phoenix from the ashes.