Mahboub Halab’s progeny in France

Now look at his progeny. This one one is a colt (and he oozes true desert type and conformation), Shuwayman Fahad, out of a mare by a Syrian sire (the Krush Mokhtar), and from an good French dam line, also from the Shuwayman strain (Cherifa tail female).

3 Replies to “Mahboub Halab’s progeny in France”

    1. that’s part of the raising of a young colt according to Robert Mauvy, who is Jean-Claude’s teacher. Mauvy believed that a mare should ridden 24 hours after foaling, and that the colt should follow his mother wherever she goes, for up to two hours a day.

  1. Speaking as a woman, I’d probably leave it more than 24hrs 🙂
    Even so it’s an excellent practice in my view. I did buy his book btw on your advice and enjoyed it.

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