Ma’naqi colt unfolding
Photos by Terence Doyle.
His back is short, his withers high and his shoulder strong. He seems to have good bone too. I are not count how many crosses to Gulastra. Around a hundred I would say. Certainly 45 just in his sire Tamaam.

Well his mom looks very solid and tank like through the body. Also wasn’t Gulastra a remount stallion as well?
Bruce Peek
Bruce, I’m not sure Gulastra was ever a US remount stallion. His half-sisters Kheyra and Ramla were used as as a cavalry horse, and their sire, *Astraled, was a US remount stallion at Camp Lewis, Wash. Some of the other Crabbet stallions that made it to the United States also ended up being remount stallions, including Gulastra’s damsire *Rodan at Fort Robinson and *Berk who stood at Ozona, Texas under Lee Aldwell. Gen. Dickinson also said that Gulastra’s sons Katar and Kolastra were Remount service stallions. But I have yet to see anything about Gulastra himself officially standing for the US Government. Unless it was when he was at Maynesboro, maybe? Brown was a remount agent, if I’m not mistaken.
He’s a leggy fellow, and still unfolding! I do very much like the second photo, for Pippa’s expression.
No, Gulastra himself was not a Remount sire. He went from Maynesboro, briefly to Hearst and then to Traveler’s Rest.
Looks like a big, loose-jointed amble on this youngster. We found the ones that started out like that grew up to be particularly good movers.