New book: “Tiaret, le reve algerien”
French equine librarian, collector and breeder, Philippe Deblaise just published the book “Tiaret, le reve Algerien” that will add tremendous value to the literature on Arabian horses, by pulling together the knowledge available about the glorious breeding program of the Arabian horse Stud of Tiaret, in Algeria.
This stud was founded by the French in the 1870s, when France was the colonial power in Algeria, and relied exclusively on stallions and mares imported from desert-bred Arabians from Arabia. This stud is unique in the world as no stallion born outside desert Arabian was ever used at stud until Algerian independence in the 1960s. Click on the flyer (in French) to enlarge it.
Bonjour. Je cherche absolument le livre de philippe deblaise « Tiaret le rêve algérien »
Est il en vente chez vous ? Sinon connaissez vous une adresse où je peux me le procurer s’il vous plaît ?
Julie Coquel
Bonjour. Avez-vous contacte Philippe directement?