Nuri breeding to Jamr
This spring my 24 year old mare Nuri Al Krush will be bred to Jamr Al Arab for a linebred foal to the great Hanad.

Nuri brings the lines of the Hanad sons Tripoli and Mainad, and Jamr adds Sanad, Ibn Hanad and Ameer Ali. The photo was taken at her breeder and owner Trish Stockhecke in Ontario, Canada.
Fingers crossed for a successful breeding! Are you hoping for a colt or filly?
Also, looking at Nuri’s Al Khamsa pedigree, I noticed she has a small proportion of Ayerza blood as well, through Croisedore and her dam Aire, which was pretty neat to see, as I rarely come across Ayerza horses in the pedigrees I’m familiar with. I also thought I’d pass the time seeing what remains of Aire’s Al Khamsa-registered tail female descent, and discovered that, unless I have missed another tail female branch, which is entirely possible, it’s down to one mare, San Luis Solstice, foaled in 2007.
yes SL Solstice is with Teresa Cross in CA.. long story.
Kate, I wish there was a better way to tell which horses are alive and which aren’t. But Kate, theoretically, there could be another TF *Aire mare or two, although they’d all be older, and for this purpose I’m cutting the ages off at 25:
– the 2001 cm Al Desert Rose (ELH Ahmar x REA Atallah), who would be 18 this year if she is still alive. Her breeder was listed as Chris Smith & Mary (Mari?) L. Silveus.
– the 1994 gm Saleek (Haziz Halim x HMR Satinique), who would be 25 this year, and whose breeder is listed as Howard E. Marks or Jewell Cantrell.
I am now curious to know if anyone is breeding Ayerza lines, since this is SUCH a rare element.
Edouard, it must be pretty exciting to have horses that you bred yourself now breeding on! Fingers crossed that Nuri is in good reproductive health and a foal is resultant. I suspect that for Nuri it would be a blessing to simply have a foal on the ground, regardless of sex, but yes, what are your hopes for this cross?
The Al Khamsa Preservation Task Force has tried, with San Luis Solstice. And would still be VERY interested if there is interest on the other side.
Moira, thanks for the correction!
The 1943 Traveler’s Rest catalogue has several paragraphs on Aire (spelled Airé, there, incidentally), which I am copying below:
<blockquote cite="Bred at El Aduar in Argentina, and foaled at the Haras Er Rasul, Brazil, *Airé was shipped to the United States by Mr. Guilherme Echenique, Jr., in the summer of 1934 for exhibition in the second National Arabian Horse Show held at Nashville, Tennessee, in 1934, under the joint auspices of the Tennessee State Fair Association and the Arabian Horse Club of America. Unfortunately, the six weeks journey by sea and rail in a box caused this beautiful mare such loss of weight and condition as to render her below par for show purposes. In better condition in 1935, she won first prize in Arab saddle class at Belleview, Tenn.
*Airé has the distinction of probably being the first horse imported into the United States from Brazil, and is surely the first Arabian horse ever brought to this country from South America. *Airé shows the preeminent quality that enabled her as a two-year-old to win first prize and Champion of the Arabian breed at Porto Alegre, including the gold medal of Ass. Fed. do R.G.S.; and the Hernan Ayerza Silver Cup in 1931.
*Airé's sire and dam are both registered in the Stud Book Argentino for Thoroughbreds. Her son Maariqui was exported to Salvador, and her son Abu Karib went to Hawaii.”>
Moira, the Al Khamsa Preservation Task Force began trying to locate the mares with Ayerza in their tail female in October of 2015.
Al Desert Rose is lost. I attempted to make contact and got no response to certified mail which included a self-addressed stamped envelope, could not locate any online trace of either registered owner and contacted the breeder who had no idea what happened to the people or the mare.
Aisha was 25 at the beginning of this saga and had had a difficult pregnancy. They lost to foal and nearly lost the mare so the owner had no desire to breed her again.
I’m afraid we missed searching for Saleek and I just looked her up on AHA Datasource and she has a status of: “Horse Presumed Non-Active 04/03/2018” so something has happened to take her out of the mix as well.
Yes, we are down to San Luis Solstice and have been working this issue since 2015. Maybe, just maybe the stars will align in 2019 for a 2020 foal.
Oh my gosh, that is tragic. I wonder if it’d be possible to do an embryo transfer and use a host mare for Aisha, since she couldn’t carry to term. Of course, she’s probably a lot older now and might not even be able to get pregnant.
Would it even be worth the the time to contact the last known owner of Saleek and see if we can get a definitive answer on what happened to her?
Fingers crossed!
Moira, If you are willing to take on the volunteer preservation task of trying to find Saleek I will help you in any way I can! Saleek is one name that I wasn’t given back in 2015 to try and find and I just assumed that San Luis Solstice and Al Desert Rose were the only two. I’ll private message you.
Jeannie, I’d be more than happy to see if I can track their owner down. I’ll wait for your message!
Nuri is due this week. Fingers crossed for a healthy foal.
Oh, gosh, yes. Fingers crossed!
All best wishes!