Photo of the Day: Dahman Al Bahrain, asil Dahman stallion in Canada
This photo is of my stallion Dahman Al Bahrain (now deceased) a chestnut Dahman Shahwan, born in 1977, by Mirath out of Hadriya DB.
Dahman was a Flat Racing, Endurance and CTR veteran and a winner of numerous Match races. His dam Hadriya lived to be 36 years old and produced to age 28.
His sire Mirath (Ruta-Am x Taamhaal) was also a Racing, Endurance and Trail Ride stallion of pure Hamdani bloodlines and had a priceless disposition. He was the sire of racing and endurance horses, including Naizahq, out of Dahmah Al Shaqra, who ran 4 furlongs in 47.2 seconds, and 1 furlong in 11 second.
This is the blood that has been used for centuries to upgrade and regenerate the breeding programs of Egypt, Poland and Europe in general. “Blood alone is the most important factor in selecting a stud stallion. Quality means evidence of blood. Blood implies superior energy, wind, muscular power, endurance, bones of ivory-like texture, steel-like tendons and faultless disposition.“
“Dahman” was one of the greatest horses I ever put my saddle on. I could write a book just about him. I still have two of his daughters Hadiyeh and Bahiyeh.
What a valuable sire. 🙂
“Blood alone is the most important factor in selecting a stud stallion…” Sure! and the fact that Hadriya dam of Dahman produced
at 28 years old and lived up to 36 is a real good proof of a blood quality, confirmed by her progeny!
Good point, Arnault! Reminds me of LD Rubic (featured elsewhere on this blog). We saw her last year at 28 years. She looked half her age, and was ready for “romance”.
It would be interesting to cross her line with Hadriya’s…
Lee, I look forward to learning more about your horses! It looks like you have done a wonderful job breeding these precious lines. More pictures, please…
I agree, Jenny. It is wonderful seeing these photos and learning more about how these lines have come on over the past decades. Just very exciting!
Jenny, thank you, and yes, expect more photos.
Hi Lee
Wie geht es dir ??
Ich habe vergebens versucht dich in B.C. zu finden .
Leider konnte mir keiner sagen wo Du dich niedergelassen hast.
Leider konnte ich nicht zur Beerdigung von unserem verstorbenen freund Hubert kommen , dort hätte ich dich sicher getroffen.
Ich hoffe das Du wohl auf bist und würde mich freuen wänn Du mir deine kontakt daten und auch deine Adresse mitteilen würdest.
Würde mich freuen dich mal wieder zu sehen .
Gruß Harald