Preston Dyer Photo Collection now online on International Museum of the Horse website
Check it out here. By the way, the Homer Davenport collection is there too. Sample below, taken in the Cairo souk.
A blog on desert arabian horses, past, present and future
Check it out here. By the way, the Homer Davenport collection is there too. Sample below, taken in the Cairo souk.
This is a wonderful opportunity-Thanks for letting us know. As always the wealth of information and history here on this site, of which allows for further education and research. It seems, that in looking into our past- brings forth a better tomorrow. I am in hopes that the holders of all the W.R. Brown, Maynesboro Stud collection may too come forward with that vast collect to be shared as well! I have found it very interesting the recent “corrections” made, that may have been “overlooked” in earlier applications and science, had the many researchers here and beyond; not been seeking and contributed to their confirmations of theory. Thanks to all, it has been quite educating.
Preston Dyer Jr was my grandfather
oh wonderful. Laura, do you have any documents from him about that trip?