Saudi Aramco World Article on al-Magar Archaeological Site in Saudi Arabia
Peter Harrigan’s latest article in Saudi Aramco World, on potential evidence for early equid domestication in Saudi Arabia.
A blog on desert arabian horses, past, present and future
Peter Harrigan’s latest article in Saudi Aramco World, on potential evidence for early equid domestication in Saudi Arabia.
So if trace organic evidence of the finds is dated to between 6750 to 7250 bce that would be about 9000 years ago.. Didn’t the Bowlings remark that the mtdna evidence obtained from asil mares suggested their differentiation was about 9000 years old. Have to go and look at the Al Khamsa 3 book in which you follks discussed it all.
Best wishes
Bruce Peek
Thanks for posting this Edouard!
Just because something from the site can be dated that early does not mean everything associated with the site is that early! I am anxious to hear all this sorts out.
thank you for the article …VERY interesting and informative. Will this go into you book? I think these artifacts are so beautiful and the petroglypfs as well.