Sidi Thabet visit

Susanne Schreibvogel published these two photos, along with a short article in Arabische Pferde Des 92 – Feb 93 after she payed a visit to Sidi Thabet. I’ve added a translation of the photo captions.

“Mourad M’Barek, Sidi Thabet’s director, with one of the two-year-old arabian mares.”


“The twenty-year-old, Tunisian-bred, chief sire Dynamite III by Esmet Ali out of Njoua”

9 Replies to “Sidi Thabet visit”

  1. Looks like those Tunisian guys are pretty smart! Their horses have tons of type- pretty little heads- yet they also have horse like functional hindquarters with a distinct slope just like Nazeers Dam did.
    Edouard, wasn’t Dynamite 111 used in a ton of French Breeding? And wasn’t it not until after he was no longer at stud in the mid 90’s that the French racing breeders started the midnight breedings and snuck Byerly Turk, Eclipse, and Whalebone stallions into the breed?
    Bruce Peek

  2. He was. There is some chatter, unverified, about Dynamite III himself being a part-bred. I don’t believe it personally, but I must admit that the two sons I have seen in 2005 (Akermi and Halim) looked a lot longer, larger and powerful than Arabian horses typically do. It’s hard to know, and harder to tell.

  3. According to the book by Jean-Claude di Francesco, the construction of the Dynamite III hock is typical of Tunisian Arabs. My stallion Hussam Al Shamal the same type of hock.

  4. There is some chatter…. But it’s bullshit. Dynamite III was one of the most beautiful sons of Esmet Ali, and his most beautiful and succesfull
    son was Halim. I’m really sure you never saw them. It’s hard to know and harder to tell that they are much more arabien type than the french stallions used nowadays in Tunisia!

  5. That little two-year-old mare is so pretty, and looks so unimpressed with having her halter held.

  6. i am looking to learn about tunisan grandam of my mare. wondering if she is straight foundation tunisan lines or has french as well? can you help? dam name: Astree (Irmak x Aurore) III).i am hoping to breed her (frozen semen) to an okba son. i have 2 grandaughters of okba (via Ibn okba). your blog has been a joy to read for many years. thank you for share such important pedigree & historical information. you are a blessing Edouard Aldahdah!
    link to pedigree:

      It’s an old French damline, of the Hamdani Simri strain. The stallions on top are Tunisian imports to France (Irmak, Ourour, Sumeyr) and revitalized French breeding post WW2. Ablette was a first-class, very pure mare of French breeding. Her photo is here:

      The only dark spot in the pedigree is Ba Toustem. It’s not clear he is what his pedigree says he is.

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