The Jabiri Manuscript in Upton’s “Gleanings”

I was happy to find a mention of this important manuscript in Major Roger Upton’s “Gleanings from the Desert of Arabia” (London, 1881). It is a short manuscript by a member of the Jabiri family of Aleppo who lived in 19th century and listed many strains of Arabian horses known to him. Here is Upton’s mention of it:

Let me repeat, moreover, that some incline to the opinion—among them Djabery Zadah Mohammed
Ali (Effendi) — that all the families and strains given in the foregoing race are descended from Keheilet Ajuz and I must state that Djabery Zadah Mohammed Ali, who published in Arabia a short account of the Arabian horse, with a chart, gives a longer roll of names than I have shown, some of which I have not included because I had great doubt of their authenticity or correctness

I saw this manuscript, or a copy of it, in the office of the late Mustafa al-Jabiri in Aleppo around 1990-92. I don’t know what became of it. I should ask around.

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