The Mulawlish strain in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript

There are four references to the Mulawlish (also spelled Mulawlishan, Mlolshaan, Mlolshan, etc) strain in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript (APM). Both occur in accounts by members of the Ibn Khalifah family of Bahrain, who were already using stallions from that strain by the early 1850s, and perhaps earlier on the Dahman mares.

The first is on page 251: “[she] was covered by Kuhaylan al Moulawlish and she foaled a safra
The second is on the same page: We covered the shaqra mare, daughter of al
Jallabi, by Kuhaylan al Moulawlish (ibn al Jallabi, ibn Kuhaylan Zoayr) and she gave birth to an
ashqar colt which died”
. In both cases, the strain is referred to as a branch of the Kuhaylan.

2 Replies to “The Mulawlish strain in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript”

  1. In the testimony re the shaqra mare, do the bracketed “ibn al Jallabi, ibn Kuhaylan Zoayr” refer to the sire and grandsire of Kuhaylan al Moulawlish?

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