It’s been some time I have been telling you this: some really good Arabian horses can come out of the North African government studfarms. This is an unidentified mare at the Tunisian government stud of Sidi Thabet. Photo courtesy of Jean-Claude Rajot and Louis Bauduin, 1988.
Lovely. I could see her in our barn!
I love that black skin around the muzzle. And she does look like a “Davenport” indeed. It’s not a coincidence since the French brought most of their horses from the same tribes (Fad’aan, Sba’ah, Shammar)and sometimes the same families.
Hello !
Please help me.I look for a picture of a mare!
Name Fekhra 588 Sid Thabet Tunesia born 1956 or 1959
She was a present to president Tito ( Jugoslavia)
Who is know something about this mare ?
Thank you and Best Regards!
Do you have the Tunisian studbook?
Actually, a Davenport mare went to Tunisia. Her name was Subeita, and she was a Lysander daughter out of Culpurnia, born in 1970 and initially exported to Sweden with the dam of Wahhabit, Delicate Air.
I need to see if she left any progeny in the Tunisian stud book.
Hello There,
Here’s a link to the Tunisian Stud Book, you will be able to go back to the first imports from Syria and other countries from the middle east. They refer to them as Desert Bred
Thanks Mehdi.. welcome to the blog
Beautiful mare, does anybody know are there still descendants of mare Roumana(1292).
Becouse mare 588Fekhra(pure blood 1956) is from Sidi Tabet stud, and her dam line is Roumana.
Yes, argo there are many descendants from the Tunisian Roumana.
Yes that is truth.
I was not well expressed, can anyone tell some female offspring from Aroussa (except fekhra- fekhra is aroussa daughter).
Dam line of that horses is Roumana.