RB Bellagio

One of my favorite stallions on the US East Coast is RB Bellagio (Arabi Fad Onyx x Sirrunade by Faaryan), an asil Ma’naghii Sbayli tracing to the desert-bred mare Haidee, bred by the Sba’ah tribe and imported to the UK in 1874. His maternal grand-dam is Miss Jane Ott’s famous Sirrulla (Sirecho x Drissula by Sultan). The back of his pedigree is really interesting which one of the very few crosses to the stallion Sultan (Ibn Nafa x Exochorda, and hence Sirecho’s half brother), another cross to Antez, and plenty of linebreeding and inbreeding to Haidee.                       RB Bellagio is owned by Terri Somers of New Jersey, who also owns a number of Ma’naghi mares that trace to Haidee, but also to the Blunt’s Ferida, another desert bred from the Shammar tribe. Terri has a nice website that has all sorts of information about RB Bellagio and his harm of Ma’naghiyat. By the way, don’t you think there is a similarity with the picture of the desert-bred stallion *Mirage, below?

Photo of the Day: Zachary CF in Oregon, simply gorgeous

Carol Mingst took this beautiful photo of Zachary CF (Zacharia x Recherche by Prince Hal), an asil Kuhaylan Hayfi at Diane Lyons’ open barn in Dallas, Oregon last week. I had seen Zachary back in 2003, but don’t recall that he was nearly as beautiful as in this picture. It makes me want to own him. Thanks to Carol for sharing this photo.

Al Khamsa 2009 Publication Award

Amidst last week’s flurry of events, I almost forgot to report that Daughter of the Wind was awarded the 2009 Publication Award at the Al Khamsa Convention in Redmond OR, for “garnering international support in favor of the asil Arabian horse”. That international support is coming from you, dear reader, and it is you that this award recognizes. I cannot tell you how much this award means to me, and I wish to extend a heartfelt thank you to all the folks who nominated me for this award. I started this blog in early 2008 because I wanted to keep all my musings about horses in one place. Eighteen months and three hundred and fifty thousand clicks later, I am still amazed at how fast it grew, and at the quality and variety of the readership. (My web stats even show a growing 5% propportion of Chinese readers, who are just lurking for now, so I guess it’s time for a multi-script interface that also includes Arabic). Photo below by Karsten Scherling (by now, I have learnt to type Karsten’s name with my eyes shut..)

Photo of the day: Farag II-3, in Germany

To celebrate the inclusion of the Babolna asil horses in the Al-Khamsa Roster, here is a photo of a stallion from these bloodlines, owned by Stephanie Weirich of Germany. This is the chestnut stallion Farag II-3 (by Farag II x 204 Ghalioun, by Ghalioun x 3-Siglavy Bagdady VI). He is also a tail female descendant of 25-Amurath Sahib, and is actually 50% Babolna (non-Egyptian) blood. His strain is Kuhaylan al-‘Ajuz. Photo courtesy of Tzviah Idan.