On the book of Ali al-Barazi “The Arab Horse”

Syrian racehorse owner Ali al-Barazi was an authority on the horses of Homs and Hama in Central Syria. He was also a primary source of information about the horses of the Sba’ah Bedouin tribe, whose summer encampments were near these two cities. His family acquired many horses from the Sba’ah. His information about the racehorses of Egypt and Lebanon could be relied upon. His book “the Arab Horse” (in Arabic) is a lot less reliable when it comes to horses from other parts of Arabia. It also seems that Barazi had access to the English translation of the Abbas Pasha Manuscript, which Judith Forbis and Gulsun Sherif were working on in the 1960s and 1970s. His book features many photos from the Judith Forbis article “Pearls of Great Price” in Arabian Horse World about the horses of Bahrain. He also cites information that appears only in the Abbas Pasha Manuscript. One can tell from the errors in his translations back to Arabic that he was working off excerpts from the English version of the Abbas Pasha Manuscript. This is a minor criticism of what otherwise remains one of the better books to be published in Arabic about Arabian horses over…