Making sense of the genealogy of the Sudaniyaat

I finally managed to make sense of the short section in the Arabic edition of the Abbas Pasha Manuscript that deals with the genealogies of the Sudaniyaat mares — from the strain of Saqlawi Jadran of Ibn Sudan. This section consists of about eighteen lines of a testimony by Dabbi Ibn Shtaywi and Nimr Ibn Sudan of the Gmassah, on pages 86 and 87 of the Arabic edition. The English translation is confusing by the translators’ own admission, because of a couple missing words at the end of the testimony. I would like to propose the following genealogy, based on my translation of the Arabic text: Dabbi Ibn Shtaywi and Nimr Ibn Sudan and the elders of the Gmassah reported that: A mare of the Saqlawiyaat of Ibn Jadran [Mare 1] was left by him with Bani Husayn on the year water was being sold. From them, she [Mare 1] passed to Saliim the son of the paternal cousin of Dabbi Ibn Shtaywi by way of purchase. She [Mare 1] was bred to the Saqlawi Jadran horse of al-Bahim which passed to Saud and produced a chestnut mare [Mare 2], which ‘Ali ibn Sudan purchased. The daughter of al-Bahim [Mare…