Scans of an article published July 30th, 1898 for “A Weekly Illustrated Record and Review” popped up recently, revealing photos of Safran (*Shahwan x Safra) and Moallaka (Mesaoud x Meroe). The publication itself was a British illustrated weekly periodical founded in 1891 by Charles Norris Williamson, and was known for printing fairly high-quality photos within its pages. SAFRAN – more on him later. MOALLAKA (If there is another photo of this mare in circulation, I do not know of it.) R.J. Cadranell reports of Moallaka and her dam, Meroe: Moallaka (by Mesaoud) was sold as a two-year-old at the 10th Crabbet sale on July 23, 1898, to George Grey, Esq., if Tunbridge Wells for 147 gs. with her full sister Munfyeh. Their dam was Meroe, an 1885 mare by Kars x Meshura. On Meroe: “In the summer of 1897 Meroe showed symptoms of failing health. Between the beginning of May & the beginning of July she was driven in the team, chiefly as wheeler, and went even long distances, such as from Newbuildings to Wootton one day, & the next morning on to Dorking station & back to Wootton then on home to Newbuildings, but she never seemed herself, and…
In my previous post I wrote an introduction (here) on what I am proposing in this post and the next. في منشوري السابق كتبت مقدمة (هنا) حول ما أقترحه في هذا المنشور وما يليه. In this first part, I am suggesting a set of guiding VALUES and PRINCIPLES to govern any future efforts for preserving the Asil/Atiq Arabian Horse. In the next part I will suggest a DEFINITION of the Asil Arabian Horse and some additional notes that build on top of the current definitions by the different Asil organizations. في هذا الجزء الأول أقترح مجموعة من القيم والمبادئ الحاكمة، لضبط أي جهود مستقبلية متعلقة بالمحافظة على الحصان العربي الأصيل\العتيق. وفي الجزء التالي بإذن الله سأقوم باقتراح تعريف للحصان العربي الأصيل ومعه مجموعة من الملاحظات التوضيحية، والتي تبني على التعريفات الحالية من طرف المنظمات المعنية بالأصالة. My framework of thoughts is based on three tiers: [1] Values & Principles, [2] Definition, [3] Criteria & Processes. The proposed Manifesto covers [1] and [2], and it lays the groundwork for future efforts on [3]. يقوم الإطار العام للفكرة على ثلاث مستويات: (1) القيم والمبادئ، (2) التعريف، (3) المعايير والإجراءات. يستوعب الإعلان المقترح النقاط (1) و (2)، بينما يمهد الطريق ويضع الأساس لأي…
See previous post for more information on this stallion and the people who owned him. He sure is one masculine stallion. His sireline is extinct to Al Khamsa, with the last of the stallions carrying this line having been born in the 1950s.
A lot of discussion has been going on lately by Arabian horse lovers and enthusiasts from the six contents about the future of the Arabian breed. Maintaining the breed purity of blood (the Asil concept), preserving the original qualities and characteristics of the Arabian Horse, the genetic diversity and integrity of the breed, the status of the unregistered desert-bred Asil horses, are all among the concerns of the community. كثير من النقاشات تدور مؤخرا بين محبي الحصان العربي من القارات الست حول مستقبل السلالة العربية. المحافظة على نقاء الدم ومفهوم الأصالة، استدامة الصفات ومقومات الجودة الأصلية للحصان العربي، التنوع والسلامة الجينية للحصان العربي، وضع الخيول البدوية غير المسجلة، كل هذا من ضمن ما يشغل المهتمين. There is a kind of consensus that something has to be done. A new era has to begin that is based on more acknowledgement of the breed original qualities and characteristics, more understanding and learning of its historical background, more respect of its cultural values and context, more cooperation between the West and East including those of Arab descent who still carry the cultural values and knowledge, and nevertheless, more adoption of the scientific tools, specifically the genetic science, in setting a new solid scientific…
This photo was found on the website for the City of Arcadia, located within their Arcadia History Collection. In it, Anita Baldwin can be see holding the reins of *Ibn Mahruss (Mahruss II x Bushra). His sire, Mahruss II, did not have a particularly exceptional breeding career, and his is probably best felt in bloodlines through his sons *Ibn Mahruss and Rijm, both of whom were born in 1901. *Ibn Mahruss was imported in-utero along with his dam, *Bushra, where both found their way to Homer Davenport. He had at least two breeding seasons with Davenport before being sold to Eleanor Gates Tully, a playwright in California who owned, among other horses, the stallions *Obeyran and *Nedjran. He enjoyed several years as a breeding stallion, with a limited foal crop spanning 1910-14. 1914 is also the year that Gates divorced from her husband, Richard Tully, which is likely when the horses were dispersed. From there, he found his way to Arcadia, California, under the ownership of Anita Baldwin. From her obituary, 25 October 1939, published in Madera Tribune, Volume LXXIV, Number 150: “Mrs. Anita M. Baldwin, daughter of the late E. J. (Lucky) Baldwin, colorful mining and turf figure of…
Photographer Irina Filsinger took this nice photo of the stallion Ibn Ibn Wathnan, one of the handful original horses of the state of Qatar. He was registered in Volume 1 of the Qatari studbook. Thanks to Wilton for posting it on social media, where I picked it up. He looks like the Bahraini royal stud horses and I would not be surprised if he traced to him at least in part
من بنات كروش جهيم المطخان ومن نفس رسنه ومربطه
لاحظوا دقة اذني الفرس وعرض حنكها فهكذا كانت خيل الملوك لاحظوا ايضا اللجام العربي بالاضافة للرشمة من ارشيف مدرسة الاخوة الماريين
Over 5000 of them online. Take the plunge! One of the most significant pictures is this one of Shaykh Sultan Bin Zayid Aal Nahyan, taken in 1948 (pre-oil). He was not yet the ruler of the UAE.
Saadey (below) was a Sa’dah al-Tuqan, foaled in Arabia in 1892, and purchased from Abdallah el-Khamud by Prince Shcherbatov in 1900. At the state stud at Derkul, Saadey was covered by the imported stallion Sem-Khan (purchased in Cairo), but did not produce a foal. In 1902 she gave birth to a filly, Elvira, by the Kuhaylan Swayti stallion El-Kader. Seglawiey (below) was another desertbred mare at Derkul. Foaled in 1894, she was out of a Saqlawiyah Jadraniyah of Ibn Sbeyni from the Fad’aan, and sired by a Kuhaylan Abu Junub. She, like Saadey, was imported to Russia by Prince Shcherbatov for the state stud at Derkul in 1900. In 1902, Seglawiey produced a chestnut filly, Nadide, by the Crabbet-bred stallion Naaman. Photos from the History of Russia in Photographs.
Zarifa (below) was bred by Count Stroganov from his imported stallion Sherrak, out of the mare Ghazu. Zarifa’s dam Ghazu was a grey mare foaled in the desert c. 1879/1880, sired by a Dahman ‘Amer. Stroganov purchased her on his first expedition to Syria, in 1888, from the Sba’ah. She produced seven foals in Russia, sired by Emir-el-Arab, Sottamm el-Kreysh, Sherrak, and Ashgar (Emir-el-Arab x Anaze). Zarifa herself produced three foals by the time the 1903 stud book was compiled, a chestnut colt and filly by Emir-el-Arab in 1900 and 1901, and a grey filly by Sottamm el-Kreysh in 1902. Photo from the History of Russia in Photographs.
Samura (below) was the 1895 daughter of the desertbred Kuhaylat al-Jallala mare Saeeda. Samura’s dam Saeeda was foaled in 1884, bred by the Misrab tribe of the Sba’ah. Imported by Stroganov on his first joint expedition with Prince Shcherbakov in 1888, Saeeda produced eight foals between 1891 and 1902, all but one by desertbred stallions; her eighth foal was sired by Abeyan. Samura’s sire was the Krush stallion Emir-el-Arab, bred by Muhammad Ibn Smeyr of the Wuld Ali. At the time the Russian stud book was compiled, Samura had produced two colts, a chestnut colt by Sherrak in 1900, and a chestnut going grey colt by Sottamm el-Kreysh in 1902. Photo from the History of Russia in Photographs.
Manua was bought in Homs by Prince Shcherbatov in 1900, on the second trip that he and Count Stroganov made to Syria, but went to Stroganov’s stud in Russia, rather than Shcherbatov’s. Her sire was a Hadban Enzahi; her dam was from the Sba’ah and sired by a Kuhaylan al-Ajuz horse. From Abeyan sherrak strain. Bay mare imported. Born in 1891 at Hajji Mohammed Khudur, mugkhtar of Babaa Amur village, near Homsa. Sire bay stallion from Khadban Yenzekkhi strain, born at Gomussa’s Bedouin (of Sebaa Anaze) and was sold by the said Bedouin to Fellakh Ibrahim Aga from Ashaee tribe in northern Syria. Dam – bay mare from Abeyan Sherrak strain, purchased by Hajji Mohammed Khudur in 1882 from Bedouin Uakhadj Ibn-Suan from Moadja tribe (of Sebaa Anaze); its sire was from Kekhaylan Adjus strain. Purchased personally by Prince A.G.Scherbatov in Homsa city in 1900 from Hajji Mohammed Khudur and imported to Russia. While in Arabia, she foaled twice. 1900 covered by grey stallion from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain in Homsa. The stallion was born in Bedouin tribe Gomussa (of Sebaa Anaze) and bought from them by Ibn-Faras, who lived in Homsa. Stud Book of Arabian horses with their pedigrees present…
هناك مرحلتان للإضرار جينيا بالحصان العربي تخطيناهما أو نكاد. أولا: مرحلة توحيد الشكل للوصول للشكل المثالي والنمط القياسي المنشود أو ما يسمى ال Type (مع التحفظ طبعا على اعتباره قياسيا ومثاليا وهذا نقاش آخر)، بحيث يتمتع كامل النتاج من الخيل بنفس النمط العام للشكل والذي يسمى علميا ال Phenotype. وثانيا: مرحلة التنافس على أقصى درجات ومعايير هذا الشكل القياسي ما بين ذلك النتاج الموحد. وحيث أن مجمل النتاج له تقريبا نفس الشكل، يصبح الصراع محتدما بين المتنافسين على الوصول لأقصى الحدود باستخدام أقصى ما تتيحه علوم الوراثة لدفع الخواص الجينية لأبعد مدى والتأثير على ما يعرف بال Genotype. الأول يقضي على التنوع الجيني للحصان العربي Genetic Diversity ويقلل ما يعرف بال SNP أو تعدد أشكال النيوكلوتويد في الحمض النووي، بما يعني اختفاء بعض الجينات وضياع الصفات المصاحبة لها بشكل لا يمكن استعادته. أما الثاني فيبدأ في إحداث طفرات جينية Mutations وظهور صفات جديدة بما فيها الأمراض الوراثية وهو ما يعرف بال Deleterious Mutation وتدمير الخواص المتوارثة منذ القدم للحصان. يمتلك الحصان 32 زوجا من الكروموسومات تحمل جينات الحصان. وتقدر أحدث الدراسات الجينية للخيل أن جينوم الخيل يحتوي على ما يزيد عن 21 ألف جين تتحكم في كل صفات الخيل عموما، ولنأخذ مثلا صفة اللون. يتحكم في لون الحصان العربي تحديدا…
Latifa was one of the desertbred imports of Count Sergei Stroganov. Foaled in 1883, she was bred by the Shammar, and bought by Stroganov on his trip to Syria in 1895. She produced two fillies and two colts for Stroganov, three of them by the Krush stallion Emir-el-Arab, and one – her daughter Leyla, below – by Sharrak. Leyla was foaled in 1897, the first of Latifa’s foals in Russia. In 1902, she produced a grey colt by Stroganov’s desertbred Saqlawi Jadran, Sottam el-Kreysh. Photos from the History of Russia in Photographs.
The previous post in Arabic was to introduce the daughter of my Khallawiyah mare Bint Rammah, born a couple days ago. The new filly, named Jawharah Al Arab is owned jointly between Yasser Ghanim and I, and is at his small farm in the Sharqiyah province, east of the Nile Delta. Bint Rammah was already in foal to Maward AlPetra, a Dahman stallion from lines to the Nagel’s Katharinenhof Arabians (NK) and Ansata Arabians studs, when I acquired her a few months ago. Video below.
الحمدلله فرسي الخلاوية بنت رماح ولدت مهرة يوم البارحة. المهرة كبيرة الحجم وبصحة جيدة الحمدلله سميناها جوهرة العرب وهي شراكة بيني وبين ياسر غانم وموجودة عنده بمحافظة الشرقية بمصر ز الاب حصان دهمان شهوان من اصول مصرية تغلب على مشجر نسبه خطوط انساتا وناجل اسمه ماورد البتراء كانت الفرس عشار منه لما اشتريتها من صاحبها وهو من الاسرة الطحاوية الام بنت رماح من اصول بدوية بحتة معروفة مثبوتة محفظة من سلالات عرب الطحاوية القديمة غير المسجلة دوليا. ابوها رماح ابن ابن حصان السباق الاسطورة جولدن ارو الذي اكتسح ميادين السباقات في لبنان ومصر في الخمسينات والستينات من القرن الماضي واصبح فيما بعد فحل سفاد في مصر والعراق والمملكة العربية السعودية واذكر اني سالت والدي ذات يوم وانا في مطلع العمر عما اذا كانت هناك خيل سباق عراقية لا ترد بنسبها الى الفحل الهجين المعروف بالطبيب او السوري او “دهمان عامر” الذي ملأت احفاده اسطبلات مربيين وهواة خيل السباق في لبنان وسوريا وأجابني والدي انه ثمة حصان عراقي اشقر مشهور ركض في سباق بيروت كان اسمه جولدن ارو وكان معروف عنه انه لا يعود نسبه الى الطبيب وترسخ اسم جولدن اروهذا في ذهني خلال السنين التي تلت سرد والدي لهذه القصة حتى أتاحت لي ظروف سكني في مصر ان اتعرف على…
Edl Agbahr Yashma is another of the asil horses in southern Africa with the Courthouse stallions Nimr and Atesh in her pedigree. The photos below were taken by LeeRay Photography, and shared with their permission. Edl Agbahr Yashma (foaled in 2015) is by the Straight Egyptian stallion Asala Al Khufu 2 (Ansata Aly Sherif x Sahibi Bint Ibn Minuet) out of Edl Agbahr Toirose (Sidi Ibn Halina x Sidi Erica). Yashma’s granddam Sidi Erica is a daughter of Whitehouse Yashma and Thee Cyclone, making her a full sister to Jauhar El-Zar, sire of the Mimrahiyah mare Sanniesguns Sahara previously featured on the blog.
Kehayley was foaled in 1893, and imported to Russia by Prince Shcherbatov in 1900. Kekhaylan Adjus strain. Bay mare imported, born in 1893. In 1895 was secretly bought by Akhmet Beg (citizen of Hama town) and Bedouin Simran from Kkhrissa tribe (of Fedhaan Anazeh) from Bedouin Jaetnee from Abadat tribe (of Sebaa Anaze). Sire of Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Bought personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in Hama city from Akhmet Beg in 1900 and imported to Russia. Stud Book of Arabian horses with their pedigrees present in Russia In 1902 she foaled a colt, Dervish, by Dachman. Photo sourced from the History of Russia in Photographs.
Hassan (below) was one of Count Sergei Stroganov’s homebred Arabians, foaled in 1896 out of the imported mare Hamra and by the stallion Sherrak. Hassan’s dam Hamra was foaled in 1884; she was bred by the Sba’ah Anazah and sired by a Kuhaylan Nawwaq. She was brought to Russia in 1888 for Count Stroganov by Sheikh Nasr Ibn Abdallah. Between 1891 and 1902, she produced six fillies and two colts, by the stallions Sherrak, Sottamm el-Kreysh and Arnab. Sherrak and Sottamm el-Kreysh were both desertbred imports; Arnab was a son of two imports, Emir-el-Arab and the mare Anaze. Sottamm el-Kreysh was a Saqlawi Jadran, named for his breeder, the Sheikh of the Bani Sakhr. Emir-el-Arab was a Kuhaylan Krush, bred by Muhammad Ibn Smeyr, Sheikh of the Wuld Ali of the Anazah. Photo of Hassan sourced from the History of Russia in Photographs.
This horse was purchased in Syria by Prince Shcherbatov. State Derkulskiy farm. Both parents belonged to Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Bay stallion, imported; height 2 arshins 1 3/8 inches. Born in Arabia in 1895 at Bedouin Jeral Ibn-Tuerish from Gomussa tribe (from Sebaa Anaze). The latter sold it to Aga-ed-Diun, mufti of Hama. Purchased for Department of State Horse Breeding personally by Prince A.G. Shcherbatov in 1990 from Aga-ed-Din in the town of Hama. Stud Book of Arabian horses with their pedigrees present in Russia
صور نادرة للفرس عبيرة الشويمة من تصويري سنة ١٩٩٢ في مزرعة مالكها باسل جدعان ابو فارس بالصبورة ابو عبيرة المعنقي الحدرجي الاصدا حصان ظاهر العفيتان أبو امها الصقلاوي الجدراني الازرق حصان عبد الرزاق النايف من شيوخ طي ابو جدتها عبيان السحيلي الازرق الكبير حصان الشيخ عبد العزيز المسلط درجت جدتها بنت عبيان الشيخ عبد العزيز المسلط من محمد الرحبي الشمري صاحب المربط الى السادة الطفيحيين وكانت دهماء اللون ثم درجت بنتها اي بنت صقلاوي عبد الزراق النايف من الطفيحيين الى شخص من عشيرة الشرابيين اسمه عمر احمد عبيد بالسبعينات وكانت زرقاء وشبا عمر احمد عبيد الشويمة ام عبيرة من معنقي العفيتان وانجبت عبيرة ويعود مربط الرحبي الى الجارالله شيوخ عشيرة البو متيويت من الجحيش القبيلة الزبيدية جنوب جبل سنجار ولعل الجارالله حصلوا بدورهم على هذه الشويمات من ال محمد شيوخ شمر -وهذا تخمين مني والله اعلم (وعبيرة ام الفحل المشهور الخالدي واخت الفحل شويمان صالح العبدالله الحسن (ابو كحيلان البوثة ابو زير الجليدان اما الخالدي ابن عبيرة فهو أيضا توليد عمر احمد عبيد وهناك التباس شديد حول هوية ابيه فيزعم البعض وهم الاغلبية ان اباه كحيلان علي الباشا العواصي الاصدا ويقول البعض الاخر ان اباه صقلاوي جدران من خيل الدندح اما سجل الانساب السوري فيورد الخالدي كابن الفحل برهان هدبان…
صور نادرة للفرس طيرة صقلاوية نجمة الصبح (مرزكانية) من خيل المرازيك البريك من شمر طيرة ابوها كحيلان الواطي الازرق الحديدي حصان ذياب السبيه توليد فواز الحاكم الغشم ابو امها عبيان السحيلي الازرق الكبير حصان الشيخ عبد العزيز المسلط ابو جدتها المرزكاني من رسنها من تصويري سنة ١٩٩٢ في مزرعة باسل جدعان ابو فارس بالصبورة اما الفرس التي وراها فهي جليله القدر الدعجانية طيره ام الفحل طاحوس من حصان كرمو الخابورصقلاوي مرزكاني
Dijleh is the 1889 daughter of Ashgar and Dahna (Kars x Dahma). Bred by the Blunts, she was sold at the 1899 Crabbet Park sale, and exported to Russia along with Naaman and Sobha. From Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Dark bay mare, imported, born in 1889 at Mr. Blunt’s farm in England and bought by Colonel Zdanovich in 1899. Sire: “Ashgar”, red stallion, imported, from Seglawi Obeyran strain. Purchased by Mr. Blunt in Deir on Euphrates in 1887, born in 1883 from stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain and from mare of Seglawi Obeyran strain from Bedouin tribe Saekkh (of Shommar) in Mesopotamia. Dam: “Dagkhna”, red mare from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Born at Crabbet Park (Mr. Blunt’s famr) from “Kars”, imported bay stallion of Seglawi Djedran strain, with family Ibn-Sbene of Mekhed tribe (of Fedhaan Anaze). Purchased by Mr. Blunt near Aleppo and brought to England in 1878. “Dagkhna’s” dam – mare “Dagkhma”, bay mare, imported, from Dagkhman Umm-Amr strain. Born at Bedouin Ibn-Khemsi‘s from Gomussa tribe (of Sebaa Anaze). The latter sold her to Bedouin Ueynan Ibn-Said, from Gomussa. “Dagkhma’s” sire: stallion of Abeyan Sherrak strain was at Gomussa Bedouins. “Dagkhma” was purchased by Mr. W. Blunt from Ueinan Ibn-Said in…