On the strain of Ubayyah Umm Jurayss

I have managed to trace back the strain of Ubayyan Abu Jurayss (Umm Jurayss for the females) to the ‘Utayfat (alt. spellings ‘Atayfat and ‘Otayfat), one of the main clans of the Wuld ‘Ali tribe of ‘Anazah. But I don’t know yet how they got to the Wuld ‘Ali and where from. In the below tree of the Anazah clans by Ibn ‘Abbar, the Utayfat are in red and the overall Wuld ‘Ali in green. The ‘Utayfat, whose leading clan is (I think) al-Wati, are under the Dhana Dhuri section of the Wuld ‘Ali, which is led by the family of Ibn Smeyr (alt. spelling Smeer/Sumayr/Semeyr etc). The Wuld ‘Ali at large are led by the clan of al-Tayyar. Of course, this is significant insofar as one of the main line of Egyptian Arabians, that of El Shahbaa, is from the strain of Ubayyah Umm Jurayss. Umm Jurayss means “mother of the little bell”.