Back to reality..

Just got back from Oregon yesterday, and I am already swamped with work (yuck!). Of course, once there, and around horses and horse people, tweeting about the Al Khamsa Convention didn’t even cross my mind, and I’ll just have to come to terms with that.  I will be writing about the Convention, the CMK Symposium, the barn tours, the rides in the Great Outdoors of the High Desert country, and all the wonderful people I saw there over the next few days (weeks?). I am having withdrawal symptoms..

Meanwhile, here is a pic of the 2009 Al Khamsa Board of Directors, taken by Karsten Scherling (hi, Karsten!). Find the outlier.

The 2009 Al Khamsa Board of Directors

From left to right: Jenny Krieg, Mary Gills (Sec), Lisa Rettke, Ellen May (Veep), Pam Studebaker (Prez), me, Rosemary Doyle, Monica Respet, and Marilyn McHallam.

6 Replies to “Back to reality..

  1. Why the Breeders and love horses and are interested in Amrica and Europe all Womens

    Where are the men What are they doing

  2. I heard a statistic that ownership of all of the horses in the USA (not just Arabians)is 80% women. The men that I saw in Oregon were just as involved and doing a LOT of work to present the horses. Perhaps you see a lot of women in the organization’s leadership positions because the men have “day jobs???,” although I know a lot of the gals also work.

  3. A note on the title of this blog…. I stood in the door of the airplane to come back to Utah, looking at the beautiful Sisters mountains and I had the thought, “will I ever see my beloved Oregon again?” I felt like I was leaving home, not coming back to it. Oregon is my reality and I won’t rest until I can sell my place and return. A big part of that is the wonder people; intelligent, kind, and love horses!

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