Bahrain Royal Stud reports that their Dahman strains died out

Here is the comment from Jehangir Rustomjee, Bahrain Royal Stud registrar:

“It is with great regret that I inform you that neither of the Royal studs have any female Dhahma (Dahmeh) descendants left, my eyes well up and my chest tightens as I convey this to you.
I am so pleased at the international interest in our horses about who so little is known outside Bahrain.”

How tragic that a strain precious and ancient as that of the Dahmah would die out in its cradle. The link to the Dahman strain on the Bahrain Royal Studs website is still there. Check it out it while it lasts.

Thank God a thin line to the mare Sawannah remains in North America, as well as the Bint El Bahreyn Egyptian horses too, of course.

[Basil and Hazaim, if you are reading, this sad news makes Dahmat al-Tuwaymin all the more precious now.]

8 Replies to “Bahrain Royal Stud reports that their Dahman strains died out”

  1. This is indeed sad. I remember fondly back when in 1976 I bought Danah Al Khalifa’s book Living Treasures Of Bahrain, copyright 1971. I remember the wonderful photo of DAMEH, a flea-bitten grey mare with bold trot. And other Dahmans as well were featured. It is very sad that it is lost to Bahrain. Edouard, did you not tell me that the last Dahman Amer mare who I saw in Syria (Homs) in 1996 has also died out there? I can’t recall for sure.

  2. Hi Joe,

    In Syria, I think there is still one mare left with Basil Jadaan. There is a second mare out there in the desert, but she is not registered in the Studbook. Yet several Bedouins out there vouch for her authenticity.

  3. Hi Edouard,
    I read this news recently, and I can inform you that there are 3 dahmah horses in Germany,the fourth will be born in april. they are from the rare strain Dahma/ hadriyah. they are all Alkhamsa Blue can see these horses on our website I didn’t know that there was another one in Syria.
    Best reagards Regina

  4. Thanks Regina for sharing this news and your website. You are very lucky to have these horses with you. I assume they were bred by Edie Booth? Three and soon four Dahman horses in Germany!

  5. Yes, my first mare,the dahmah, came from Edie and was in foal by mujiz. She came togetter with another mare,hamdani,(in foal by sail) and one stallion (hamdani/halwaaji).They were from a good friend and I bought this first mare.her first born is a stallion,also here with me,her second born is a filly, now I can’t wait till the next will come !!
    The hamdani mare and her 2 foals, also a stallion and a filly, are still in ownership of our good friend in Holland.The stallion stands here at stud with us in nice to have these horses !!!

  6. I have an attractive sweet natured 5 year old grey SE mare recently backed/ridden away. Inbred to Prince Fa Moniet and Ansata Halim Shah. Damline traces to Bint Al Bahreyn.

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