Daughters of the Wind turns five and another addition

Today marks the 5th anniversary of Daughters of the Wind, and the 5th anniversary of my daughter Samarcande who inspired this website. She is now a young lady, a future champion swimmer and horse-back rider. She also loves ice cream..

I realize I have been less active than in previous years; this is partly because I am a much busier person now than I was before, and partly because the needs to act, and act fast, before it is too late on preservation emergencies in North America. This has increasingly shifted my focus from advocating for the preservation of the precious few Asil Arabian horses to actually helping undertake the time-consuming, labor-intensive, tedious and often uninspiring but oh-so-rewarding tasks of preservation in the context of the Al Khamsa Preservation Task Force: identifying the horses; contacting their owners, finding new homes; arranging leases, shipping, following up on breeding, etc.

I will also be moving to Egypt for work in a few months, for a two or three year stint, and I hope I will be both less busy at work and more active on this website.

Meanwhile, Samarcande was joined by a little sister three months ago. Solenn Hend Al-Dahdah is the latest Daughter of the Wind. Another online project, on Arabic language and etymology, is in the works to mark her arrival to this turbulent world.

12 Replies to “Daughters of the Wind turns five and another addition”

  1. Wow! What news! A new baby girl AND moving to Egypt. That’s going to be a big change for you and your family. Congratulations. I look forward to seeing what this move will bring to your blog. Best of everything to you Edouard.

  2. Congratulations! A new daughter, a new location, and new projects! You are a dynamo my friend! Thank you SO MUCH for all you have done, both physically and with this blog to promote the preservation of our vanishing Desert Arabian bloodlines. I know that it is, “a labor of love,” for you but “laborious,” none the less. I feel quite guilty now for the continuous emails, lol.

    Personally, I want to thank you for reawakening my love and desire to see these horses continue on for the future!

  3. Congratulations on Daughters of the Wind 5th anniversary! I so enjoy reading your blog and the discussions that often follow your posts. One seemingly simple “let me know how I can help” by me has resulted in my becoming infected with the preservation bug. As if having a terminal case of equine disease wasn’t bad enough ;-). Looking forward to the result of your Arabic language and etymology project. Thank you for being you Edouard!

  4. félicitations pour votre petite fille et pour tout ce que vous faites pour la préservation des chevaux asils et pour vos projets.
    Je m’inquiétais également de vous lire moins souvent et maintenant j’ai compris pourquoi.

  5. Congratulations Edouard and Delphine!! This renowned strain continues! I am sure that Solenn Hend will continue with the same intense interest in everything around her as is the quality of her older sister, and brother. We wish you the best on your new work adventure in an ancient land which continues to emanate fragments of the past and a land which also celebrates the Arabian horse.

  6. Congratulations Edouard on the birth of your new daughter!!! So much news packed in one blog! Masha’Allah! Your daughter is beautiful as you are, as is all that you do for so many peoples and horses.

  7. Maybe I’ll come visit you while you’re in the area…. Congratulations on your beautiful family and your incredible blog!

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